Dr. Evan W Brown DDS 

160 Four Seasons Shopping Center
Chesterfield, MO 63108

Total Patient Satisfaction in Your Orthodontic Experience

Utilizing the best technology to produce terrific results in the fastest time possible.

Chesterfield Location - 160 Four Seasons Shopping Center, Chesterfield, MO 63108 | (314) 469-0964
St. Charles Location - 1 Garvey Parkway, Saint Charles, MO 63303 | (636) 441-2777

Our goal is to provide you with the most comfortable, efficient treatment by combining an experienced staff with the newest technologies.

We realize you have many treatment options in Chesterfield, Saint Charles, Saint Peters, Maryland Heights, Creve Coeur and many surrounding areas. Let our highly trained team go above and beyond to make your orthodontic experience the best in the area.

Our mission is to provide the best orthodontic care using the latest technologies to guide you through your orthodontic journey.

Free Patient Exams! Complimentary Initial Exams to determine your customized treatment plan.

Orthodontic Services

Early Treatment

We provide interceptive care to children as young as 6-7 years old when specific issues arise. If not, we will monitor until permanent teeth erupt.

Self-Ligation Brackets

New technology braces without the rubber or plastic bands but provide excellent treatment efficiencies.


Removable, clear aligners help improve your smile invisibly.

Bite Correction

We can correct jaw discrepancies that create overbites, underbites, open bite, crossbites, and other bite problems.

TMD/TMJ Treatment

We can help relieve the pain in your jaw and neck caused by this condition.


Newest Technology

1.  3D Conebeam CT - With a Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CT) scan the doctor is able to see much, much more than ever before of the teeth, jaws joints, airway etc. It has literally changed the way we practice orthodontics.

2.  3D Scanning - We take digital impression of your teeth for better accuracy and less of those messy impressions.  It allows us to save the impressions of your teeth for a long time, and if you need retainers at a later time.  Also, we can digitally place braces or design aligners to get maximum accuracy when planning and executing your treatment.  This can allow us to save you valuable months from your treatment time.  

3.  3D printing utilizes the latest technologies available for advanced orthodontic treatments.  This allows us to create models of your teeth from 3D scans and create lab appliances.  This new technology can help us save time with inaccurate impressions and the ability to improve traditional treatments and save time in treatment for the patients. 

Early Treatment

At our office, we are often asked when a child should first see an orthodontist. When we say age 7, many parents are shocked! The truth is, dental problems related to jaw growth get worse, not better, over time. Children are growing rapidly at this age and permanent teeth are starting to replace baby teeth so young children benefit enormously from interceptive treatment.

While all seven-year olds will NOT need braces, there are some circumstances where appliances can be beneficial to balance the relationship between the upper and lower jaws and make room for erupting teeth (to avoid those pesky extractions later!). Many children only need to be monitored.

Early arch development and growth guidance are recommended in cases of:

  • Protruding incisors
  • Bite problems including open, deep, cross, and under bites
  • Severe crowding
  • Jaw disharmony

By being a part of our Observation Club, we’ll be able to track your child’s jaw growth over time to determine the most opportune time to begin treatment, if necessary.

The Benefits of Early Treatment:

  • Decreased need to pull teeth
  • Less time in full braces
  • Improved self-image
  • Reduced need for jaw surgery
  • Broader, fuller smile
  • Improved function
  • Improved nasal airway

Phases of Treatment

When younger children need early interceptive treatment, we separate orthodontic treatment into two phases, with each stage beginning at the appropriate time.

  • Phase 1 – Ages 7-10 years
    • Active treatment for 12-18 months
  • Resting Period – Ages 10-12 years
    • Retainers for 12-24 months
  • Phase 2 – Ages 12-14 years
    • Active treatment for 12-18 months


Our self-ligation braces provide efficiencies in treatment, greater comfort, faster results, and fewer appointments.

Self-ligation braces help to improve efficiency of treatment through keeping activations longer than traditional braces. Many times we do not have to see patients for 8-12 weeks between appointments! Color elastic ties are now optional. With our techniques, we can get most cases completed faster than with traditional braces. These brackets have shown to be easier to keep clean when brushing and more comfortable during treatment. These brackets are available in metal or ceramic.


Invisalign is a series of clear aligners that gradually move the teeth into the desired position. Invisalign is typically more hygienic and aesthetic than traditional braces. The technology and methods used by our office allow many malocclusions and smiles to be treated with Invisalign. We use a digital scan to take 3D "impressions" of your teeth to create a series of aligners that move your teeth. No more goopy impressions! Dr. Brown then uses your 3D models to create a treatment plan digitally through computer software. Sometimes this digital treatment planning will result in shorter treatment times. The cost of Invisalign varies with the complexity of your case.

Your first aligners will arrive about a month after your case is submitted. The first visit will involve fitting those aligners and adding any attachments that need to be placed on the teeth. Attachments are tooth colored "bumps" that assist in tooth movement. Elastic, buttons, and other auxiliaries are also used with Invisalign to get the best smile and bite.

Compliance is a must! For treatment to be effective, patients must wear their aligners for 22+ hours per day, every day. Anything less will result in compromised results. We will likely see you every 6-10 weeks to keep track of your treatment progress and finish. 

Growth Modification

We use several different appliances for use in bite correction, depending on the patient’s needs.

Mandibular Anterior Repositioning Appliance (MARA) is used to modify growth in patients with a large "overbite". This appliance is used instead of traditional (unsightly) headgear to help the lower jaw "catch up" to the upper jaw. This effect can only be done in growing patients.

Lower Holding Arch is an appliance that helps maximize space for the lower teeth as they erupt.

Schwartz Appliance are upper and lower expanders that are removable. They are worn as instructed by the doctor to increase space in both arches. Schwartz's resemble Hawley retainers and require good compliance to be effective.


Invisible Retainers resemble aligners and are a clear shell that fit over the teeth. They are more aesthetic than Hawley retainers but not as durable. 

Hawley Retainers are the traditional retainer. They are less aesthetic than invisible retainers but more durable. All retainers must be cared for, as they are delicate and will break!

Rapid Palatal Expander is an appliance used to correct crossbites and creating room for erupting teeth through widening the upper jaw.

Facemask is an orthopedic appliance for patients with skeletal anterior underbites. This appliance protractors or moves the upper jaw forward to be in alignment with the lower jaw in growing patients. This appliance is only worn in the evening and at night.

Separator is an elastic ring that is placed between the teeth to create room for bands or a banded appliance to be placed. Typically it takes a week for this space to open.

TAD or Temporary Anchorage Device is a mini-implant that helps with the efficiency of tooth movement. Closing extraction spaces, intrusion of teeth, or making more complicated movements is assisted with these mini-implants. Sometimes they can be used to avoid more complicated procedures like jaw surgery.

TMD/TMJ Treatment

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders can originate from several causes. Injuries, clenching your teeth, arthritis are all possible causes. The disorder can result in severe pain in your jaw, face and neck. You may also experience toothaches, headaches, neck aches, dizziness, earaches, hearing problems, upper shoulder pain, and ringing in the ears (tinnitus).

There are several treatment options to relieve the symptoms of TMD/TMJ. Because every case is unique, the treatment plan must be adjusted for your individual needs. Dr. Brown will conduct a thorough examination and collect health history data from you to present you with a treatment plan specific to your case. One treatment could be to fabricate a splint/orthotic, which is a removable hard plastic upper appliance. Regular visits or bite adjustments can be involved, as well.

Dr. Brown handles TMJ in the most conservative way possible.  This treatment usually involves TWO phases - the first phase being splint therapy combined with physical therapy to resolve pain and muscular issues.  The second phase involves changing of the tooth positions to match the resulting bite after splint therapy.  In the rare occurrence that symptoms are not resolved from splint therapy, the occlusion may be not a contributing factor and other referrals may be necessary.

Why Choose an Orthodontic Specialist?

Every dentist has completed a minimum of seven years of college education and is fully licensed to perform dental procedures. Many dentists are now performing orthodontic treatment on patients, sometimes at a lower price. But what you may not realize is that an orthodontist has two to three additional years of education and over 3,000 additional hours focused specifically on orthodontics.

When you think about what’s involved with orthodontic treatment, it makes sense to trust a specialist. Orthodontics involves not just straightening teeth but treating underlying conditions of the jaw and facial irregularities. Orthodontics is sort of an art form!

Just as you would see a cardiologist for a heart condition or an oncologist if you have cancer, you should leave your orthodontic treatment to a specialist.

Remember, all orthodontists are dentists but only 6% of dentists are orthodontists!


160 Four Seasons Shopping Center
Chesterfield, MO 63108
(314) 469-0964

1 Garvey Parkway
Saint Charles, MO 63303
(636) 441-2777

Business Hours:

Monday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am-4:30pm
Wednesday: 8:00am-4:30pm
Thursday: 8:00am-4:30pm
Friday Administrative Time Only

Copyright 2019 • St Charles & Chesterfield Orthodontist | Dr. Evan W. Brown, DDS